My Lists

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Beam me up, Scotty!!!

Vacation with family is fun!  Really.  Truly.  Trying to convince myself of this anyway.

We're about ready to kill each other and we've all been together for only 4 nights.  Crazy.

I haven't had any cravings at all since my travel day from hell.  I realized tonight why.  We needed some things at the grocery store and I, because I had not had any wine, was able to go do the run.  This meant I could ESCAPE!!!  Yay!!!

My body must have subconciously kept itself in complete control so as to take advantage of any escape routes that present themselves.

I relished the 20 minutes alone to the store and back.  I looked at the sunset and the beach wistfully, wishing hubby was here to share it.  But I didn't have a single wine craving.

The funniest and saddest thing was my brother sitting outside practically begging me to drink with him since he was so frustrated with everyone.  I get it.  I really felt bad that I had to say no.  I didn't have any desire to drink other than to keep him company in his mellowing.  Poor guy.

I still have trouble thinking long term but I think I've got this vacation (if that's what you call it) licked.

I think my struggle is going to be when I get home where I really will want to drink to get over the vacation!!

Okay, done with my evening pity party.....I realize that I am not likely to elicit much sympathy from sitting beachside for 2 weeks.....sorry.



  1. It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation. Let's change the word. You are on a family gathering. Like Thanksgiving. You're not on a vacation. Can you treat yourself and go on a mini vacation at some point I've the summer? You deserve it after this pressure cooker! And you are doing so so well!! I used to attend these sorts of things with my ex hisband's family. Not ideal at all!

  2. Sorry for the typos! Really hard to edit with a bad connection!

  3. Great job! Both for getting through the Travel Day ( I went back and read your post) and for holding it together during the vacation. Family gatherings can be huge triggers...especially for two weeks! Enjoy the sunsets and read a lot xxx

  4. Maybe you can make more excuses to go back to the store??? Can you do a long walk ALONE? (that might be a tough one!) Our families....can't live with them and can't live without them! Don't let them drive you to drink!!! Keep up your good work! I'm happy you've found a silver lining in the store run!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation! xo

  5. Im glad you are getting through your vacation without any cravings. You are doing great! Maybe you could go for a walk by the beach by yourself? I find the beach to be such a calming place. A x

    1. Yep, I go for a walk every morning - a lifesaver!!

  6. Yup, a holiday with family is more an endurance test than anything else! You're doing so well though, I'm so proud of you for keeping it together without wine. xx

  7. You are staying so strong which is fantastic. You have so much more clarity when not drinking. Enjoying the trip to the store because it gave you some 'me' time and the oppertunity to enjoy the views is perfect. Your poor brother though he now has to deal with the family slightly hungover today.

  8. It sounds like you are in a really good place...non-drinking wise, not vacation-wise! :) Go you. Enjoy the good moments- you deserve them. <3

  9. HD you are doing this one step at a time, one realisation at a time. I commented to Ripleybelle that this was akin to weightlifting and you need to build your me scales up before you lift the big ones. That's where you are, lifting the heavy weights. You muscles can handle it but you may be tired and exhausted but don't give up. When you get home (put the weight down) allow yourself some recovery time but also rejoice in what you achieved. Keep strong.
