My Lists

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

SHOULD I or CAN I drink again?

Day 117  (had to count on calendar!)

I haven't decided on forever.  I just like how I feel right now.

I've been reading another blog about contemplating moderation.  I still want to, hope to, as well.

Maybe I have to try know once and for all.  I've never had an extended period without alcohol other than a two week period where I went back to drinking.  Previously, I tried to moderate daily amidst drinking.  That didn't work.  The question of "am I ready to try again" plagues me daily even though I don't really have cravings.  I just wish I could partake along with my husband.

I was able to quit this time... and I love many things about not being who I was before the last 117 days.  I love reading my lists and saying "nope, not me anymore."  I desperately don't want to go back to where I was.

The problem is that I do believe there are some health benefits to relaxing the body with some alcohol.  It is a drug, yes.  But I'm just not at the point where I think it's horrible and that it's so bad for me that that is the reason alone why I should not drink.  Trust me, I've read hundreds of articles on both sides of this argument.

I am a Libra.  Any other fellow Libras may understand the huge problem/blessing that I have.  I can see ALL sides of any issue.  Politics stress me out because I can see everyone's viewpoint.  I can make decisions but I like to have all the facts.  I never feel like I have all the information I need when it comes to voting.

I like to understand everyone's viewpoint and then I can decide upon a course of action.  Strangely enough, I do make decisions easily and stick with them.  I'm confident in expressing my view when I'm sure of it.  But I often don't like debating because I constantly want to say, "well, yes you have a point....".

I think the reason I was able to quite this time is that I finally had enough information to make a decision.  All the reasons in my list laid it out for me.  It was time to stop.  I couldn't drink anymore the way in which I was.  Wine had a become a problem.  I needed to change.  Bam.  Easy.  Then quit.  So I did.

But...the internal (and external information) debate about whether I SHOULD drink or not is stressful.  The debate about whether I CAN drink is a bit more black and white.

Should I?  I think, yes, I should. IF I can drink moderately, I should drink a glass of wine at night while relaxing with the hubby and talking about our day.  Then be done.  Switch to something else.  I think having a glass socially at a bar, or while having dinner with friends, can be relaxing.  I think I have a better relationship with my hubby if I relax a bit in the evening.  I do feel there are some health benefits to the body by relaxing it.

Can I?  That's a whole other story.  I'm so stressed about whether I "can" that it's anxiety causing.  I'm afraid to try again and fail.  I'm afraid to come to this blog and admit I tried again.  But I may need to. I'm not sure.

The fact that I'm waffling tells me I'm not ready now regardless.  It's as if "drinking again" is at the bottom of the list of all the things that have to be done in my life first.  I suppose that is a safe enough spot and I'll just leave it there.  It takes the stress off me when I think of it that way.

So I won't even contemplate drinking again until I have done the following:

1) Incorporated exercise back into my life
2) Made some dietary changes to gain more energy
3) Incorporate some relaxation techniques into my life - meditation/yoga/somesuch
4) Lost some more weight
5) Worked through some personal issues with ex
6) Become more relaxed about my life in general

Then, I'll contemplate it again and go from there.  But I will stop thinking about it right now in terms of "should I" or "can I".  And.....I can re-evaluate the "should I" once I think I can.

There.  Feeling better.  Onward with my day.  If you read this far your head is probably spinning. Welcome to my life.  :-)


  1. Unlike your Libra ways, I am very black and white thinking and I make my mind up and it is hard to change my opinion. There are pros and cons to that too and these days I am trying to let a little grey in, except for US politics this time I am VERY opinionated on that (y'all can draw your own conclusion on that) In a similar vein to what I said on PDTG blog, I don't think I would ever be able to moderate and it is hard for me to believe others can although I know some people can. I still want to drink myself but always know it will not end up being one glass. You are doing the right thing blogging about it, delaying it and weighing it up. Only you know you and only you can make the decision and all we can do is support you. I wish peace of mind for you more than anything.

    1. Thanks. I am definitely trying to find peace of mind!

  2. I agree, that it is something you have to decide yourself.
    I know I can't moderate.
    I do know, I am calmer knowing I don't drink, than when I was trying to moderate.
    I'm with Ginger. I too wish you peace of mind.

    1. I think that will be the case for me but it's that not knowing that is hard. Oh well, have put off the thought process for awhile longer I guess.

  3. I am one who can't moderate either. I thought I might be able to after I did Belle's 100 challenge the first time but that didn't work out too well. Only you can decide. It's good that you are blogging about it and not just diving straight in. Well done on 117 days. A x

    1. Thanks, Angie!! Appreciate all your continued support!

  4. I think I re-frame the question to myself (sorry that a politic -y word)..not can I drink moderately ? But, can I give up again? And while I have no idea about the moderate question - I know for certain that I could not quit again. I'm not trying to split hairs, I just know that it was a monumental achievement for me to do this sober journey - and it's a once in a lifetime gift. So I cannot squander it. I wish you lots of love as you work through this xx

    1. Yes, I guess that's really my question. It boils down to can I handle quitting again. You may be right, once may be enough for me too.

  5. I think this is what happens to people. There is a reason you stopped in the first place, it all sounds lovely, having a glass of wine with your husband then switching to something else, but gradually, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, it becomes a problem again, and it's even harder to stop again. I can vouch for that. You've done so well, I would love to be where you are. And it's not as great as your memories are telling you it was. 😀

  6. I too cannot moderate. I wish I could. I often think it would just be easier if i could have the odd glass of wine. However, if Im honest with myself I know that its not the glass of wine I want, it is the bottle and I don't think that will ever change for me. Last year when i gave up for 2 months i thought i was ready to try moderation. I knew i never wanted to drink alcoholicly again....well it didnt quite go to plan, but at least I know.

    1. It's that wondering that gets me from time to time. At least you know.....I'm wondering if I can keep going on without ever really trying it myself.

  7. I hear you. My idea of moderation has changed. What I truly want is to be someone who hardly ever drinks. I know I can't just have one glass a few nights per week...that is never going to happen. At the same time though I'd want to be able to drink sometimes. I don't want to be all or nothing. I want to be a non drinker who drinks on the odd occassion, a birthday, a dinner out somewhere nice, a wedding etc. I think that is achievable, but I know for me I need a period of abstinence first. I don't know how long that has to be? A year? Im ready to try now, as you know.

    I'm going to come up with a plan like yours. You are right not to drink until you reach your goals. I know if I drink again I have a very good chance of ending up back where I started.

    This is hard, you are going so well. I know by your posts your in a better headspace than I am. keep going, reach your goals, it will be worth it. X

    1. Yep, that plan is what is keeping me sane. I need to focus on that first. With my track record on achieving my personal goals, this alone, may keep me sober forever...haha

  8. I hope my blogging hasn't swayed you. I fear that my writing is a trigger to those wanting sobriety. It is a personal decision and one only you can make 💓💓
