My Lists

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

150 days ago....

My relationship with my parents now is different than when I was younger.  What started out as a dependent relationship grew into one of independence.  There were a few rebellious years along with some luck that risky behavior never went too far.  I grew, I matured and the nature of our relationship changed.

Now we are friends, we are respectful of each other in an adult way.

This is how I view my relationship with alcohol.

Every day, since making the decision to change my life, some 150 days ago, I have been changing my relationship with alcohol, specifically wine.

For me, it hasn't been a crystal clear process.  It hasn't been all or nothing.  But I feel the changes in dramatic ways.

No longer am I so dependent upon it that I must have it to cope every evening.  I am much further aware of my boundaries in our relationship.  My attitude is shifting, I am growing and changing.

It's funny, I wasn't really expecting a completely different view on drinking.  I always thought I could quit and then learn to manage it or else I would have to quit forever.  I have been pleasantly surprised at finding that I am moving toward not wanting it, not wanting the way it makes me feel, not wanting how I act under the influence.

It's as if my brain has made the shift.  I no longer glamorize it.  I no longer think it needs to be a part of my everyday experiences.  My emotional side is still fighting that logic, however.  There is still a tinge of need sometimes, to block out the world.

I feel like I am starting to come out of the rebellious teenage years in my relationship with wine.  I used to be childlike, completely dependent upon it.  Then, I became not so dependent.  I learned how to enjoy my evenings without it and to feel more productive and accomplished.  But there is this little knot of rebellion that still unties and unleashes itself every so often.  I feel as if I am now in my twenties....generally mature but perhaps still engaging in risky behavior.  I think the desire will diminish, slowly, over time.  My experience last weekend killed another wave of desire.

I look forward to growing through this.   I don't want to be set back into the juvenile years. Regardless, where I am today is so, so, so much better than where I was 150 days ago!!  I still enjoy alcohol free firsts and look forward to many more.



  1. I am doing the same. The last two weeks have been really good for me. Sticking to my goals. Alcohol is not the main event. Two weeks is nothing I know. Time will tell. It's more of a mind game than anything else, shifting of thoughts. PDTG

    1. Your comment means a lot to me. I feel like we have been on this journey together. I agree time will tell. I know you did the 100 day thing before. Do you feel different this time? Just curious.

    2. No I don't feel different this time. I just learn more as I go. At the moment things are good. I do believe thoughts play a huge part in this. I won't give up on achieving long term balance yet. I'm tired of all or nothing. I know enough that I enjoy not drinking, I can spend my nights doing things I enjoy. However for me I can't seem to be able to quit completely. I like taking breaks. I like having alcohol free days each week. Im having no struggles right now, it could change though. I struggle when I drink, I struggle when I don't. It's hard and confusing that's for sure! I have no doubt that completely stopping is great and the people who manage it have great lives. I just am not there at this point in time. I hope you find what is right for you xx

  2. I hope I never glamorize wine again.
    It used to be the only way I saw it...this beautiful shining glass...of...
